
Your Path Toward Optimum Wellness

My intent is to inspire “Optimum Health” by achieving and maintaining a positive and balanced mind-body. My ongoing study and research has been in the relationship between mindfulness and breathwork and its effects on the Central Nervous System. Out of my own contemplative practice, I teach and coach the essential inner skills of achieving an Optimum Level of Being (OLB) through cultivating positive emotional states and sustaining healthy relationships through “clean thinking” and “thinking psychological.” My coaching/mentoring centers around teaching others how to be accountable, responsible and how to train their attention in order to be more objective (less reactive) in emotionally difficult situations. When we can achieve a state of responsive, creative awareness (or flow) we more easily discover and maintain a state of equanimity (natural relaxation) – especially when facing significant obstacles.

Given the current geopolitical state, I find it useful to practice the Zen Buddhist virtue of “Gaman,” a term generally translated as perseverance, patience or tolerance. In more difficult situations, it means “enduring the seemingly unbearable with patience and dignity.”

Having worked in the wellness field for 35 years as a Mind-Body Life Coach, Health Educator, Neuromuscular therapist and business owner, I have experienced great satisfaction in co-authoring transformations in health and consciousness. The goal of my work is to assist others in creating more peace of mind during stressful times, greater inner strength and confidence when challenged and cultivating an unshakeable sense of self-worth.

As a competitive athlete working with professional athletes, I provide strategies to achieve peak performance without sacrificing health or suffering “burn-out.” To achieve an “optimum level of performance,” we identify the inherent, un-beneficial expectations that create a host of pre-competitive anxieties, fears and doubts. These so-called problems are reframed as “just” hurdles that require specific skill-sets to leap over.

It is my commitment to provide the highest quality care and attention possible.

My personal interests include neuroscience and non-duality, adventure cycling, gardening, Buteyko and Wim Hoff breathwork, and above all, spending time in nature and having fun with family and friends.

Coaching/mentoring is also available via Zoom or Skype as well as by phone. These channels are not limiting and can provide powerful and sustainable results.